An occasional rant accompanied by lots and lots of the lyrics to my favorite songs. Hope you enjoy. If you have any suggestions go to my home web site http:/ and leave the suggested song title and artist if you know them in the guestbook. If you don;t know the title or artist but know some of the lyrics leave them and I'll find it out.  

Breana N. Oldt-Jones

Home Archives Contact

Wednesday, August 11, 2004 :::

Away beyond the blue
Away beyond the blue

One star belongs to you
One star belongs to you

And every breath I take
And every breath I take

I'm closer to that place
I'm closer to that place

Yeah, baby I'm gonna meet you there
On the outskirts of the sky

Yeah, baby I'm gonna meet you there
And we will fly

Away beyond the blue
Away beyond the blue

One star belongs to you

This life is but a dream
This life is but a dream

Go gently down the stream
Go gently down the stream...

::: posted by Breana at 8/11/2004 09:07:00 PM

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